Next Phunkit on Zmf Berlin 10.06.2011
Next Phunkit on Zmf 10.06.2011 Beginn: 23:30 Uhr Lineup: Hawkinson, Steinmüller, Buermann, Kreuzton(CH), Grizzly(CH) Feiern mit unseren Schweizer Freunden facebook.com/hawkinson.berlin myspace.com/steinmueller facebook.com/kreuzton facebook.com/buermann.berlin www.zurmoebelfabrik.de ZMF ZURMOEBELFABRIK Hinterhof und dann die Kellertreppe runter Brunnenstrasse 10 10119 Berlin

Buermann – Reflektor incl. Steinmüller Remix
We are proud to have found a small jewel again in the underground of Berlin, namely Reflektor. Mister Buermann opens his own drawer on the matter of techno. Quite rough, but yet very clear is the range of his songs. Playfully in his arrangements, the whippersnapper proves his finesse with long-lasting synth phases, without deviating...