Next Phunkit on Zmf Berlin 10.06.2011
Next Phunkit on Zmf 10.06.2011 Beginn: 23:30 Uhr Lineup: Hawkinson, Steinmüller, Buermann, Kreuzton(CH), Grizzly(CH) Feiern mit unseren Schweizer Freunden facebook.com/hawkinson.berlin myspace.com/steinmueller facebook.com/kreuzton facebook.com/buermann.berlin www.zurmoebelfabrik.de ZMF ZURMOEBELFABRIK Hinterhof und dann die Kellertreppe runter Brunnenstrasse 10 10119 Berlin

Steinmüller is a techno, deep- and techhouse project of Berlin based Christian Steinmüller. His tracks are known for their dramturgic flow with focus on dynamics (tension and easing of tension) and the harmonic meshing of sounds. Massive souldeep floor killers evolve and fill the room with bliss. As time went by, Chris developed his own deep, housy...