Hey everybody, welcome to our Phunkit Podcast series 005. So stay healthy in this crazy time, feel free and leave a comment.

Have fun with Nadine Fehn in the mix!!!!

Nadine Fehn’s love of electronic music began when she was seventeen years-old a growing and lasting passion for vinyl and record collecting. To this day, it is the medium which gives her the greatest pleasure, not only as a DJ-producer but also as a record label owner. Nadine originates from Bielefeld in Germany and over the years has spread her wings to play in her home country, including clubs in Berlin, Frankfurt (where she played at the legendary MTW Club) and Hannover (Musiktheater Bad and Kiez Klub), as well as around Europe in Holland, Spain and Poland, playing at events with DJs such as Oliver Koletzki.

Look here for more: http://Soundcloud.com/fehnsound